In The Loop – Mar 2015
Spring has sprung (although it is rather chilly and soggy today), the daffodils are coming out and there is lots of activity here at Stoke Lodge. In the latest ‘in the loop’ you can read about the roof, about books and about conversation.
Stoke Lodge Building and Decoration Works
Some of you (and definitely those who use the annexe) will have noticed the scaffolding and roofing work underway. We are repairing parts of both the annexe and the main building. We are trying to keep disruption to a minimum but thank you for your patience and we know you will all be pleased to see the building being cared for.
Some painting and decorating is also planned for over the Easter break. This will include work in the entrance, in rooms 1, 2 and 3 and in the downstairs toilets. We are also having work on some of the downstairs windows to remove old paintwork and reveal the lovely bath stone surrounds underneath.
Once the work is done we intend to replace some items of furniture and add some new curtains. This ‘spring refresh’ should improve the environment for all of us as well as giving us more opportunities to generate some extra income from room hire and bookings if we have any free rooms and during holidays.
Creative studies books…
Firstly the creative studies bookcases are looking a bit tired so if you have any art, craft or sewing books you no longer need, we would be happy to offer them a new home – please pop them into the office. We hope to give the library a refresh over the Easter break
World Book Night – 23 April 2015
Books in general… Secondly Thursday 23 April is World Book Night and we are being sent around 30 new books to give away for free on the night. World Book Night is organised to celebrate and share a love of reading so we are planning a book giveaway/bookswap/coffee evening, open to all, which we hope many of you will be able to attend. It will be a very informal with a chance to grab some new reading material for free and have a chat over coffee. I would love to have a little stock of books available to start us off, so I would be grateful for a few more good condition unwanted books. We don’t have room for hundreds! But if you have one or two you want to offer that would be great!
Conversation Clubs
Our colleagues at the Learning Communities Team are looking for volunteers to help support conversation clubs. These clubs support leaners who have English as a second language and give them the chance to practice their speaking and listening skills in a relaxed and friendly environment. There are a few around the city and if you are interested in becoming a volunteering please pick up a flyer from Stoke Lodge or email for more information.
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As always:
We are sending and sharing ‘in the loop’ as part of our on-going commitment to keep you informed on work and progress. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think might be interested.
Please continue to get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns and please let us know your fantastic stories and experiences of learning and what it means to you, which we will be featuring on our website over the coming months.