In the Loop – 28 June 2023
Hello everyone, booking for 23/24 courses is due to open very soon!! It’s all very exciting and there are hundreds of courses and workshops planned for the new academic year.
Booking for courses will open at 10am on Monday 10 July.
All our planned courses will be available to view on from Thursday 6 July to give you a chance to look at the courses available, check your diaries and see what you fancy for next year.
Online bookings will then open at 10am on Monday 10 July. In person and telephone bookings will also open at 10am on 10 July.
If you want to get ready for online bookings, please remember to log into your online account in advance, just to check your details are the same and make sure you have remembered your password!
When you book with us online, you will receive two emails; one to confirm your payment has gone through and one to confirm your booking. If you only receive one email, please give us a call on 0117 903 8844 just to check everything is OK. Very occasionally, the internet link drops out during booking process resulting in the payment going through but the place isn’t booked – so do keep a look out for the second email.

If you absolutely can’t wait till September, then there are still some summer schools with places that you can book right now!
Stained Glass Summer School with Ruth
10-4 Monday to Friday from 24 July, £260/£160 P28A
Creative Writing Group with Carolyn
1-3 Tuesday 25 July £14/£9 F26D
Space for Creativity Summer School with Laurel
10-4 Monday to Friday from 31 July £225/£135 D28L
Painting Summer School with Jenny
10-4 Monday to Friday from 7 August £225/£135 D31E
Drawing Techniques – Landscapes with Sheila
10-3 on Wednesday and Thursday 9 and 10 August £75/£42 D29A
Upholstery Summer School with Nicky
9.30-3.30 Monday to Friday from 18 August £245/£148 T10G
I wish I could Draw People! Drawing Figures and Faces – Beginners and Intermediates with Bill
10-3 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the 23/24/25 August £70/£45 D26B
Drawing and Painting a Clothed Figure from Life – Intermediates and Advanced with Bill
10-4 for one day on 30 August £50/£35 D24D
Course Leaflets and Advertising – Spread the Word
As usual we will be distributing our course leaflets around the middle of August. They will be dropping through the door of around 50,000 houses so keep an eye out for your copy. Details are short and sweet – so we can fit almost 500 courses in!! but full descriptions of the courses can be found on the website.
If you are in the city centre over the summer keep an eye out for our Adult Learning banners flying from the flagpoles near cascade steps.

Word of mouth is always the best advertising so please do tell your friends and family about us and encourage them to come along and find out what we have on offer.
Our learners are always our best spokespeople so don’t be shy, spread the work, share ‘in the loop’, like and share our posts on social media and tell people why they should sign up!
As always, I love hearing why you come to courses and what Adult Learning means to you so please feel free to contact me and tell me!
Course fees
We haven’t increased our fees for several years but as a service our costs have continued to increase, so unfortunately this year, we had to add a little more to the rates to cover the cost of delivery. It’s always a difficult decision to raise prices and we do everything we can to keep course fees as low as possible.
We know that costs are rising everywhere at the moment and understand that some people are finding that difficult, but I hope you will agree that our fees still represent excellent value for money.
If you are on a means tested benefit you can apply for courses at our reduced rate, you can’t book that rate online, as we need to see benefits evidence but do contact us if you think that applies to you.
I am really looking forward to the new academic year and seeing some of the fantastic work coming out of our summer schools over the next few weeks. I very much hope I get to see many of you over the summer and in the autumn term.
Let’s hope for a few sunny summer months (with occasional rain when convenient to keep the plants watered).
Kindest regards