Covid Update – 5 January 2022
Hello everyone
I hope you all had a peaceful and happy Christmas break.
As we welcome you back to Adult Learning in 2022 I just wanted to remind everyone on the arrangements and precautions in place to reduce the spread of covid 19, particularly for those of you coming back to in person classes in the next few weeks.
- Anyone who is unwell or has any Covid symptoms should not come to class and should get a Covid PCR test. If you test positive, please contact Stoke Lodge as soon as possible.
- You are not required to have had a vaccination to attend class. Vaccinations and boosters are extremely helpful in reducing the risk of catching covid and also in reducing the severity of the disease if caught. Adult Learning would encourage everyone to take up the opportunity of a vaccination and boosters.
- Negative lateral flow tests are not mandatory but again we would encourage everyone to get themselves some tests and to test themselves before coming to class (and generally to test themselves regularly).
- We are continuing to ask all staff and students to wear a mask when moving around the building and in communal areas, unless exempt.
- We are not mandating the wearing of masks in classrooms once students have taken their seats. However, we continue to ask you to wear one for any close contact work and for moving around the room. Masks provide additional protection, and you may continue to wear one during class if you would like.
- We have reduced numbers in classes, classrooms are still set up for social distancing and will be ventilated regularly. This doesn’t mean we have to sit in the freezing cold with all the windows open, but it is sensible to open windows occasionally and wearing an extra layer is recommended.
- All classrooms have sanitising materials and hand gel and regular handwashing is still recommended.
We will continue to monitor the situation locally and nationally and will advise learners directly of any changes to precautions and arrangements.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you over the next few weeks.
Kindest regards