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In The Loop – Sep 2016
It’s starting to get back to normal here at Stoke Lodge with classes starting back this week and next. It’s so nice to have people back in the building buzzing with enthusiasm and getting to grips with loads of new skills and ideas.
In The Loop – Aug 2016
Thought I’d drop you a quick update before the bank holiday hits us. Work continues at Stoke Lodge with some of the rooms upstairs getting a generous lick of paint to freshen them up ready for the autumn term.
In The Loop – Jun 2016 Update
You will be pleased to know that our 2016/17 courses are now available to book.
In The Loop – Jun 2016
Summer is here and here are some dates you need to save in your calendar.
In The Loop – Feb 2016
Some of you may know we are part of a research project collecting evidence and information on how adult learning impacts on feeling of wellbeing, mood, anxiety, depression and general mental health.
In The Loop – Dec 2015
Well the weather outside really is frightful this morning at Stoke Lodge. Even the squirrels and dog walkers have thought better of it and are nowhere to be seen!
In The Loop – Oct 2015
We know, and you know, that being part of an adult learning class is great for mental health and wellbeing. Being stimulated and challenged, having a friendly group to learn alongside and enjoying the satisfaction of building skills and confidence.
In The Loop – Sep 2015
Hello everyone and a huge welcome to the autumn term.
In The Loop – Jun 2015
Hello Everyone and welcome to ‘in the loop’. The view from the window here at Stoke Lodge today is a lovely leafy green!
In The Loop – Apr 2015
Welcome to another edition of In The Loop. We hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine. In this post, we have a few updates and news for you.
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