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In The Loop – 21 January 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to another update. I trust you are all keeping safe and well during this difficult time. With lockdown arrangements continuing I hope you are managing to stay positive and find some engaging activities to keep you busy.
Tree work planned at Stoke Lodge next week
We are pleased to share that some of the trees on site will be getting some much needed care and maintenance. We expect contractors to be on site for a few days next week to carry out the approved works.
In The Loop – 8 January 2021
Well I’d like to start by wishing you all a Happy New Year. I imagine, like me, the current covid lockdown has you all feeling rather fed up, but hopefully the news on the continued vaccine rollout is allowing you to feel able to ‘hang on in there’ while we battle through what we hope […]
Spring Term Course – update 7 January
Due to the current lockdown arrangements we will not be holding any ‘in person’ courses for the moment. We do still have lots of online courses and agile courses that are moving to online delivery. There are still some places available on our booking pages here If you are already enrolled on one of these […]
In The Loop – 21 December 2020
Hello everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a peaceful and happy Christmas break. I am sure many of you have had your plans disrupted and I do hope you are able to find a way of connecting with your friends and family at this time.
In The Loop – 11 December 2020
Spring term is on the way… I am delighted to tell you that our Spring term courses are now available to view on our website.
In The Loop – 18 November 2020
Courses in the run up to Christmas: We still have some online courses running in November and into December. You can book these online here or by calling Stoke Lodge on 0117 903 8844. See below for more.
Lockdown Arrangements – 1 Nov Update
‘In person’ classes: Stoke Lodge will be open on Monday 2 November for ‘in person’ classes. If you are attending a class at Stoke Lodge on Monday you can continue to do so. The only exception to this is the Upholstery class (due to start on Monday) which we have unfortunately cancelled. In light of […]
In The Loop – 21 October 2020
New courses starting soon We are approaching the half term break and we have lots of new courses starting at the end of October and after ½ term including …Watercolour…Drawing…Printmaking…Bridge…Getting to Know Zoom… Stained Glass… Papercraft…Creative Writing…Floristry…German ays…Mindful Living…Social History Lectures…Italian Days…Singing…Music Appreciation…Portuguese Day…Pottery…Spanish Day…Upholstery…Dressmaking…Getting to Know your Sewing Machine and Willow Craft! You can […]
In The Loop – October 2020
Autumn courses and workshops Many of you have signed up for Autumn courses and I just wanted to highlight a few of the short courses, workshops and Saturday courses we still have coming up in the Autumn term. I know this year without our usual course guide finding courses is a bit different and you […]
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